Soldier of love
So I added my name to the voluntary "humor" email list at work the first week on the job. Now, several times a day I get the funny jokes, pictures of pets that look like their owners, and video clips of wacky people doing wacky things (usually in Asia or Alabama). Yesterday was no exception when at 1:49 PM (someone was doing some serious luch break web surfing), I got this link in my inbox. Weird Al Yankovic fans have surely seen it already. Back in high school I was humored by his music and videos; now I tollerate it. The real story here is not that Weird Al has a new video, the real story is that apparently Donny Osmond has passed his Solid Gold certification course and is now dancing backup for Mr. Yankovic. You may call it a cameo, but Donny O. steals the show with his moves, a la Napolean Dynamite (but with a little more style!).
Now I wouldn't call myself a "fan" of Donny Osmond's music, but as a kid we were practically required to watch the Donny & Marie show. And with him being a local celebrity and all, and the fact that he's opened the door for me on occasion when I enter the building for work (I think he was going to Physical Therapy downstairs), I kind of feel oblicated to promote his appearance in the video. And you got to respect a guy who is still willing to put himself out there like that.
So here you go. Enjoy the Donny.
That is way too funny for words. I am sitting here wondering how in the world Weird Al got Donny to do he really desperate right now? Oh well, it worked and he's a really good dancer. Who knew?
2:24 PM
I'm just wondering why Donny is in the video to begin with... is it because HE is "White and Nerdy"? Or is that just too obvious? Very funny. Thanks for entertaining me.
10:22 PM
He used to shop in my Albertsons. He uses Crest toothpaste, in case you were don't suppose he wanted his grocery list to remain private? oops.
11:39 PM
thats so funny. someone actually had me watch that the other day and i totally didnt notice who that was dancin with him. wow...thank you
9:53 PM
It ended and I said to Todd, "Weird Al is funny." and Todd said back rather triumphantly, "I've known that since I was ten."
Todd has been working with Donny lately on putting some of the Donny and Marie shows on DVD...they e-mailed him about that video to make sure it was really him. Donny e-mailed back rather promptly and in slightly embarressed tones that yes it was him.
And welcome to the wonderful world of the blog.
12:22 AM
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